Saturday, July 28, 2007


Here is my little guy, again! Lately I look at all the cute baby pictures, and want the same for Mason, but every time we get cleaned up and down to the studio, he is not in the mood. Mason doesn't cry a lot, but when we start shooting, out come the tears. I think babies and kids and sense something.. .they know they are on the spot and that Mom wants something from them.
Amazingly we got a few yesterday, and I can't help but want to share his cute face with the world! I choose these two because yesterday my sister Rebekah commented on Mason's long active tongue. She was right! But don't you think he looks like a Mason? I look at him and see my Dad and brothers' expressions. I love it! But put a baseball hat on him, and he is all his Dad..hmmm an idea for next time.

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