Sunday, July 29, 2007


I first need to thank the many people who have sent my website to their family and friends and gave me referrals. I have had a great response, to say the least! With August almost here my mind immediately goes back to school. This year I am teaching Reading Recovery for just a few hours each morning, but it is all new to me so I think I will still be putting in extra hours. So, I want to do just a few sessions each week and my planner is filling up, so call me so I can squeeze in your session when you want it. Because I am sending hours taking the pictures, then hours editing, printing, saving, picking up, etc. there will be a slight price increase October 2007. Check my website soon for details. The good new is that I am designing some really fun Christmas cards. Also look for them in a few days in my galleries. I think you will love them. Here is my first example.

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